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General information:

i24 is an advanced AI assistant designed to automate your customer support tasks through Whatsapp and Webchat.

No. i24 is an assistant based on the state of the art of Artificial Generative Intelligence. i24 IQ is above human average. We just provide i24 with documents about your business and it takes a few seconds to learn everything and be ready to answer any question in a human based style. 

Yes, i24 will become an expert in your business, able to answer any questions regarding your product or services. You can teach your i24 assistant uploading a .pdf file with the info about your business.

Yes, i24 can arrange meetings with leads interacting through Whatsapp or Webchat. i24 integrates with Google and Outlook Calendar.

i24 supports more than 50 languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and many more

Getting Started:

Signing up for i24 is easy. Visit our website, click on the "Sign Up / Free trial" button, and follow the instructions to create an account.

Yes, you have a 15 day free trial. We want you to experience the value that i24 can provide to your business and get convinced with facts.

i24 can be up and running in just a few minutes. You just need:

  • A name for your assistant.
  • A PDF containing information about your products or services that i24 will be taught with.
  • A webchat plugin or a WhatsApp API token, depending on your preferred channel.

No, i24 is cloud-native software as a service, accessible through web browsers. Simply create a new account or log in to your existing account.

i24 offers a variety of plans tailored to the volume of interactions you require. You can view all our plans and their details here


You can interact with i24 through webchat and WhatsApp, providing flexibility in how you communicate with your AI assistant.

Integrating WhatsApp with i24 involves a few straightforward steps. You have to create a WhatsApp Business Account. Then you'll need to generate an API token. This token is essential for integrating with i24. You have a step by step guide here: i24 Whatsapp integration

Integrating i24 with a webchat platform involves a series of steps to ensure seamless communication between your website visitors and i24. 
1. Access the i24 Dashboard: Log in to your i24 account and navigate to the dashboard. Look for the 'Integrations' section
2. Select Webchat Integration: Within the integrations section, find the option for webchat integration.
3. Generate Integration Code: Once you've selected webchat integration, i24 will typically provide you with a snippet of code. This code is what connects your website to i24, allowing the AI assistant to communicate with visitors on your site.
4. Insert Code into Your Website: Copy the provided code snippet and paste it into the HTML of your website, ideally right before the closing </body> tag. If you're not familiar with your website's code, you might need to consult with your web developer or use your website platform's custom HTML feature.
5. Customize Settings: Depending on the options provided by i24, you can customize the appearance, position, and behavior of the webchat window on your site
6. Test the Integration: After integrating and customizing the webchat, it's crucial to test it to ensure it functions correctly. Visit your website, interact with the webchat, and check if i24 responds appropriately.

Yes, i24 can integrate with Google Calendar. This integration allows i24 to access your calendar for scheduling, setting reminders, and managing events directly through the AI assistant. Here's how you can set up the integration:

1. Log in to Your i24 Dashboard: Access your i24 account and navigate to the dashboard.

2. Find the Integrations Section: Look for the 'Integrations' menu where you can manage external connections.

3. Select Google Calendar Integration: Within the list of available integrations, select Google Calendar. You might be prompted to sign in with your Google account.

4. Authorize Access: You will need to authorize i24 to access your Google Calendar. This involves agreeing to a set of permissions that allow i24 to view, edit, create, and delete calendar events on your behalf.

5. Configure Settings: After authorization, configure any specific settings related to how i24 interacts with your Google Calendar. This include setting up default reminders, specifying which calendar to use for new events, or customizing how events are displayed.

6. Test the Integration: Create a test event using i24 to ensure that the integration works as expected. You can do this by asking i24 to schedule an event and then checking your Google Calendar to see if the event appears.

Yes, i24 can integrate with Outlook Calendar. This integration allows i24 to access your calendar for scheduling, setting reminders, and managing events directly through the AI assistant. Here's how you can set up the integration:

1. Log in to Your i24 Dashboard: Access your i24 account and navigate to the dashboard.

2. Find the Integrations Section: Look for the 'Integrations' menu where you can manage external connections.

3. Select Google Calendar Integration: Within the list of available integrations, select Outlook Calendar. You might be prompted to sign in with your Microsoft account credentials.

4. Authorize Access: You will need to authorize i24 to access your Outlook Calendar. This involves agreeing to a set of permissions that allow i24 to view, edit, create, and delete calendar events on your behalf.

5. Configure Settings: After authorization, configure any specific settings related to how i24 interacts with your Outlook Calendar. This include setting up default reminders, specifying which calendar to use for new events, or customizing how events are displayed.

6. Test the Integration: Create a test event using i24 to ensure that the integration works as expected. You can do this by asking i24 to schedule an event and then checking your Outlook Calendar to see if the event appears.

i24 live chat support is available 24/7. Simply clic on the whatsapp link and talk to i24. It will solve any question related to the product and service. 

Yes, you can contact us directly through our contact page or sending us an email info (at) i24 . ai

i24 is committed to continuous improvement and regularly updates its platform with new features, enhancements, and fixes. While the exact frequency of these updates can vary, i24 typically releases new features and updates on a quarterly basis. This schedule allows for thorough testing and quality assurance, ensuring that each new feature meets our high standards for performance and user experience.